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Surf Day Out - Ulus

Sunday was the first Surf Day Out of 2021 and we are stoaked to be coaching the kids from Bali Life Foundation again. We took a little break during the wet season but now we are back with lots of Surf Days Out & coaching planned for the season.

We spent some time explaining the different peaks at Uluwatu and explaining where the currents are and where to paddle ( Thank you Edge Bar & Made Lana for letting us use the space). The waves were fun and small and since we have kids at different levels it was important they know where we will be surfing. Apart from the groms who can already surf and catch their own waves, we had three new additions that are just learning to surf, so it was great to have the older groms to help and push them into waves.

Ulus has long been an important part of Bali's surfing. history. First discovered by surfers who come to Bali in the late '60s / early '70s. For those who don't know the story, surfers spotted the beautiful waves breaking off the shore when then their plane was approaching Bali airport and decided to check it out. Back then you can't actually access Ulus the way we do now via Padang Padang bridge but instead, you have to go all the way around and pass the temple.

What we call Uluwatu now is actually called Pantai Suluban ( Suluban Beach) and Uluwatu is actually the area around Uluwatu Temple, but because the surfers came via the temple so that's why Pantai Suluban been mistaken for Uluwatu.

(Tip: if you are chatting with your Balinese neighbours or the Ibus at the warung, remember to refer to the beach as Suluban)

Our next Surf Day Out will be at Bingin in two weeks time, if you would like to join us to help please drop us a message @ We are always looking for a helping hand.

We are also looking for second-hand surf gear so if you have anything that is collecting dust in your house and want to put it to better use please drop it in our Bingin store.

Opening hours are 10 am - 6 pm, located next to L-Mart in Bingin.

Thank you Daniela for documenting

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